Sunday, December 27, 2009


Here are a few of the poems - and I use that term loosely - that I've written this past year.

I'm not at peace in a room, sitting still, or left alone
Grief has altered my happy-alone-zone
The difference between four walls and open space
Is the serenity I lack in each place
But, anything that brings me closer to You
I'll gladly walk through
Your name on my lips - the sweetest taste
This pain I feel won't go to waste
Let the brokenness break me down
May Your whisper be the loudest sound
Narrow the distance between my heart and my head
Let Truth be the path on which I tread
A light up ahead, or is that just a cliche?
I'll believe it anyway, just to get through the day
And at night I'll sleep well, free from worry or care
Because I know in the morning Your mercy will be there
And when the light finally comes and this has all past
I'll say it was Your love alone that held me fast.

The calendar says July
That makes me want to cry
Or maybe go eat pie...
My life is flying by!
Will there ever be a guy
On whom I can rely?
I must be high!
Nay, the time is drawing nigh
Therefore, I must try
God's grace in supply
For He is my best ally!
So, I'll stop asking why
My life is not awry
God is up there in the sky
And always here nearby
He'll come through on the sly
My prayers He will reply
Hold on my battle cry!
Maybe next year I'll fly...
Take a trip to Thai
Or maybe to Dubai
Or stay home and eat more pie!
Invite friends, have a fish fry
Sit around and drink some Chai
Learn to prune a Bonsai
'Cause my life is not on standby
No, that is just a lie
To the adventure I comply
Have fun and not a sigh
Each day before I die

Love Wins
I don't want to be lied to at night
I don't want the darkness to come whispering to me
Telling me I'm a fool
Reminding me of all that is past, of all that is done.
We know there will be a day
When You will have the final say
We know how this ends - love wins
In the darkness there is another voice
It's not as loud, but its there
Telling me to rest
Telling me to be loved, be loved
Reminding me you are so loved.
No eye has seen, no ear has heard
Hold on, hold on tight
For there will be a reckoning
There will be an entering...
We know there will be a day
When You will have the final say
We know how this ends - love wins.

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