Thursday, August 27, 2009

Birthday Thoughts

I can’t believe I’m 32 years old today. Whoa, that’s just crazy. In my mind, I still feel like I’m in my late twenties. I think time stopped there and now my age of 32 is just some arbitrary number or a fact I can't fully grasp. I know it hasn’t really sunk in yet when, for example, someone suggests I date someone who is forty and my first thought is, “no way, that’s he's old for me!” But, of course, it isn't. Or, I’ll see an outfit at the store and almost go try it on before I realize that I’m in the Junior’s section and those clothes are too young for me. Maybe in a few more years things will change in my psyche. I sure hope so! I don’t want to walk around with an identity crisis all the time!

Thoughts that have crossed my mind regarding turning thirty-two today:

• Botox, here I come!

• So, at what point are you supposed to start paying attention to the anti-wrinkle cream commercials? Because I tend to walk out of the room when Andie Macdowell is talking…

• I’m going to focus all day on what my 14 yr old sister said to me last week. With the most sincere face she looked at me and said, “Jess, you REALLY look twenty-five.” Bless her.

• I would be like the Proverbs 31 woman and smile at the future, but I’m starting to worry about the laugh lines that will inevitably cause.

• It’s my birthday, I’ll fish for compliments if I want to.

• Many of my friends born in 1977 like Mandy, Kelly, and Christy have been 32 for months. So, I’m not the only one facing the reality of being 32.

• Rusty will always be older than me. Ha! Actually, so will Jack Hester and Chris Estis - and they're still cool.

• I’m a jogger now! This has GOT to be a sign of good things to come for my impending old age. I feel so healthy!  

• I’ve noticed the good thing about getting older is that I don’t struggle with the same stupid things anymore. For example, I eat about 75% less chocolate now than I did 10 years ago. That pull towards it is gone, thank God! The bad news is I have a whole bunch of new things I struggle with - some that make me wish I could go back to being a happy chocolate-eating fatty!

• I’m going to keep life simple and lighthearted and hold tight today to the old cliché: I don’t know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future!

I am so blessed. Really, really blessed. I'm so thankful for my friends and family and how they love me.

• When I think about my life, from being a little girl until now, I know that God has been with me all along. Even in the terrible times, I've never been left alone - and that thought brings me great comfort.

• Verse for the day: Though the mountains be shaken, and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will never be shaken, nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on you. -Isaiah 54:10


  1. i was wondering when you were gonna update this thing! feliz cumpleanos!

  2. Happy Birthday!! but 32 is NOT old, you do have a really close friend, who is 35 and is NOT old either. Just enjoy being you because you are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made.

  3. Happy birthday! You are beautiful and gorgeous at 25 and 32! See you tonight!


The Baby Book

I am knowingly and willingly part of a parenting generation that feels the need to document everything about our kids -- birthdays, holida...